Saturday, November 3, 2007


Dear god, i need sex. Like whoa.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Craaazy Bitches!

So I hate my housemate. plain and simple. She is condescending and hypocritical. She constantly badgers me that i leave dishes out, then will leave her dishes out for days on end, while she sits on her ass and watches TV. She's also informed me i am not to use the common area in the morning because she doesn't want to see me, like she owns the place or something. Also, there is no way i will ever be clean enough to please her. I fucking hate this woman.

The filmer has decided to stop talking to me again. we were doing pretty good this summer, then we both were dating people, ended up cheating, anyway, long story short, i messed up hers, and now she's leaving me alone, though it's more mutual than that, because i helped her to leave me alone... anyway... yeah.

My new job is going okay, though this director is a bit frustrating to work with though. things are going to get hectic later in the year. I don't know if i'm cut out for all this yet...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Wow, It's been months since I posted. Lemme give some updates.

I moved out in march. My house mate is a crazy bitch, and we have issues with each other.

I've had crazy amounts of sex, including the barista in the last post. it was great, go me.

I got a girlfriend and broke up with her, she was really clingy.

I just fucked up The Filmer's relationship. go me. >_<

I got a job at a theatre downtown. it's awesome.

There's a band I want to go see in south carolina. hopefully I'll get to.

Okay, that's all for now, back to rehearsal.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Boredom, Gypsies, and Baristas

Yesterday, my mother went to go start her vehicle to go to work at about noon, since she had a half day, but it would seem that the battery was dead. Being in a hurry, she asked to borrow my car, which i of course allowed, seeing as how i had nothing better to do that day.

Once leaving the house, and driving a bit, my mother discovered my car had a flat, and was able to pull into a grocery store parking lot to get out of the lunch time rush hour. not only was she running a little behind, but there was lots of my stuff in my trunk that was blocking her access to the spare, and so she began moving all of it into the back seat.

After many minutes of doing this, she realized she would not have time to get the spare in place and get to work on time (which was the priority in this case) and so she got a tire of Fix-A-Flat and used it on the tire, which did actually work very well. She was then able to get to work on time, and the crisis was averted.

Well today, we were able to jump her car and get it to start, and I followed her to the mechanic, where she was able to get her battery replaced. I then drove her from the mechanic to her place of work, and then returned to the mechanic myself to have my car fixed too. I was in need of not only a new tire, but also an oil change and a few other check up type things.

I then spent the next 4 hours sitting around at the mechanic's, trapped, without Internet.

Fortunately, my friend The Gypsy was in town (back from one of his grand adventures) and we were able to go get lunch and spend some time just talking and catching up. It was very pleasant.

Also, i think the Barista at the coffee shop kinda likes me, but i'm not sure. i can't tell if she's flirting just with me, or with everyone in general.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

My Cat Amuses Me

She cannot actually fit in the box, but she does her best to be comfortable.


I'm on the outs with Filmer. only, this time, I'm trying to stay away from her. I should not be around her, and it's better this way, but damn, i really do like hanging out with her.


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Something Lighter

Okay, the last post was WAY angstier then i intended. Sorry.

Let me just say that the british sitcom Coupling is both hilarious and brilliant. I think i need to go out and buy the DVDs of it for myself so that i don't have to drive to my sister's to see them.

Speaking of my sister, I'm currently at her place. I drove up for a couple of days to get away from everything, and seeing as how my weekend is in the middle of the week, it worked out well. We haven't really gotten to chat in a while, and so it's been great just visiting with her. I also helped her with some computer problems, ahh, what it is to be blessed with the healing touch. such a burden. :P

I'm having trouble sleeping as of late and i don't know why. i need to get my sleep cycle back on track.

*nudge and send*